Mass Readings January 14 2024
Can’t make it to holy mass? (15) don’t you know that your bodies are members of christ?

Theme of the day is (14) now god raised up the lord, and will also raise us up by his power.
Today's Readings Feature The First Book Of Samuel, Paul's First Letter To The Corinthians, And John's Gospel.
Shall i then take the members of christ, and make them members of a prostitute?
(13) “Foods For The Belly, And The Belly For Foods,” But God Will Bring To Nothing Both It And Them.
35 john was standing with two of his disciples, 36 and as he watched jesus walk by, he said, “behold, the lamb of god.”.
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Daily Mass Readings And Reflections For January 14, 2024.
Read the daily mass readings for sunday, january 14, 2024.
Samuel Was Sleeping In The Temple Of The Lord Where The Ark Of God Was.
Theme of the day is